
Gmail: show all archived emails with no labels
# Gmail: show all archived emails with no labels has:nouserlabels -in:inbox -in:sent -in:chat -in:draft # Gmail: show all emails in your inbox with no labels has:nouserlabels in:inbox ... [Read More]

Google Search Cheat Sheet
A list of the most useful Google search commands and operators ... [Read More]

How Does UTF-8 Encoding Work
Learn what the UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings are, how they work, what is BOM and how variable length encoding is utilized to represent over a 100 thousand characters in a simple text file ... [Read More]

Free WordPress Theme with 3 Column Layout
This guide shows you how to set up a three-column layout with the Genesis Sample Wordpress theme in just a few minutes ... [Read More]

How to Replace Crayon with Enlighter in WordPress
This guide shows you how to repair your site if the old Crayon WordPress plugin broke it. I show you all the steps to migrate your code snippets to the newer Enlighter plugin ... [Read More]

Upgrade PHP 7.2 to PHP 7.4 on Ubuntu
Upgrade the deprecated PHP 7.2 version to PHP 7.4 on your Ubuntu machine ... [Read More]

How to Remove Website Field from WordPress Comments
Get rid of the Website field in the WordPress comments form in a few steps ... [Read More]

Base64 Encoding Explained with Examples
Have you ever been wondering why SSL certificates have a strange code in their body, that seemingly only consists of letters, numbers, the "+" and the "/" characters? If you've ever checked the actual content of a saved email, the ... [Read More]

Create and export a Let’s Encrypt Wildcard SSL certificate in a PFX format
In this short guide we have create a free Let's Encrypt wildcard certificate. Before you Begin We'll need a fresh installation of Ubuntu or Debian linux. The box doesn't need to b e publicly accessible as we will use DNS ... [Read More]

Following the SSL Key Exchange with WireShark
We established in part1 why the key exchange takes place, if you missed that part click HERE to check it out. Basically the client and the server agree on a key that they can use to encrypt the rest of ... [Read More]

How to Setup HTTPS on a CentOS 8 Server
Our goal is to make our website protected, configuring the HTTPS service on it to ensure encrypted traffic between the client and our server. We utilize Let’s Encrypt’s certbot, that will create and automatically renew the publicly signed SSL certificates ... [Read More]

How to Set Up Multiple Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 8
So what are Virtual Hosts and what are they for? John has a web server, connected to the internet with a single IP address. He has a website, called JohnBlog.com which is pointing to this web server. He ... [Read More]

How to build a basic webserver on CentOS with Apache, MySQL and PHP
Before You Begin Our job is really easy this time as we already have the process of installing Apache, MySQL and PHP on Debian based machines, as it is really similar to the process on RHEL based boxes. For the ... [Read More]

Upload Max Filesize in php.ini
Modify the Limits If you get the following error message, saying the max upload filesize in php.ini is too small, you simply need to edit the php.ini file, increasing the required values as seen below. Note that both 1 ... [Read More]

How to Deploy automatically renewing SSL certificates on Ubuntu and Debian
To see how to deploy a WordPress site from scratch please check out this previous article where we went through the process step by step. In this article we set up automatic HTTPS, that means all the HTTP requests are ... [Read More]

Install WordPress on Ubuntu Linux – Step by Step
In this tutorial we will deploy a WordPress site for http://protectigate.com We assume that a web server is already ready for us. If you don’t have one you can check the installation process for Debian (like Ubuntu) and RHEL (CentOS) ... [Read More]

How to Build an Apache Webserver on Debian, Ubuntu Linux
Before You Begin A minimal installation of Debian or Ubuntu linux is the starting point, with network connectivity. L.A.M.P is an acronym, stands for the building elements of a fully working website:
- Linux is probably the most stable and ... [Read More]

Install Let’s Encrypt SSL for IIS – Step by Step
If you desperately need an SSL certificate signed by a publicly trusted CA, and you want it for free, Let’s Encrypt is certainly an option. They are valid for 3 months, and even though linux boxes are equipped to request ... [Read More]