
Vim – Change Color Scheme for Easy Readability
Set the 'desert' color scheme for Vim. easier on the eyes on dark backgrounds ... [Read More]

SSH Private key Authentication to Linux on a Windows Machine
Learn how to use private certificate files to automatically authenticate to SSH servers. No password needed! ... [Read More]

How to Configure Static IP on Debian 10
Configure a static IP address on a Debian 10 server using the command line ... [Read More]

MySQL Query All Users and User Premissions
List all the users and user permissions in a MySQL database using the shell ... [Read More]

Proxmox Update Unauthorized Issue Fix
A quick tip on how to fix the Failed to fetch, unathorized error in Proxmox when trying to update the system ... [Read More]

How to Check if Linux needs Reboot after Updating?
Does your linux system need a reboot after an updating session? Let's find out! ... [Read More]

Use the ls command to view only a directory, NOT it’s contents in linux
Learn how to get the filesystem information about a directory itself, NOT it's contents, using ls in unix ... [Read More]

How to Delete Traces from Linux History
So you want to delete all traces of certain commands from the Bash history? Here's how to do it! ... [Read More]

How to Flush ARP cache in Windows, Linux and MacOS
With certain network changes you might end up with nodes in your network having issues contacting other hosts outside of their subnet. A typical scenario is when the default gateway's IP is re-assigned to a new router and the old ... [Read More]

Ping Sweep Without Nmap with Native Tools in Linux, Windows, macOS
Ping sweeping is a basic technique to find active hosts on a network. You might be looking for a particular host in your infrastructure, like a network printer, or you simply want to assign a static IP to a new ... [Read More]

Fix SSH Certificate Authentication in Linux
A guide on how to fix SSH cert authentication when it doesn't work ... [Read More]

Create and Expand LVM Volumes – Step by Step Guide
Click here for a quick summary on how to create and administer volume groups and volumes in LVM ... [Read More]

How to Force cp in Linux
Is it familiar? This annoying confirmation prompt appears on certain linux distribution when you try to copy a file that already exists at the destination. Here's how to solve this one and for all ... [Read More]

Bash Tips for Daily Use
Have you ever needed to edit a config file after checking it's permissions, finding yourself typing in the same long file path twice in the shell? Or wondering how you can rerun the command you used a few steps ago ... [Read More]

How to search in VIM
Legend has it a dev once said: "I've been using vim for 2 years now, mostly because I cannot figure out how to exit it!" In this article we walk through the ways how to search certain words, or strings ... [Read More]

Install Postfix on CentOS for Internet email traffic
It's a quick guide to install a postfix server on CentOS, that can receive incoming email from the internet. In our lab we use our domain, and a user mailbox, who will receive our test email ... [Read More]

How to Configure NFSv4 and NFSv3 on CentOS?
Installing an NFS file server on linux mainly consists of three short steps: install the NFS package, then configure (or in another words export) the NFS shares and lastly set the built-in firewall to allow incoming NFS queries ... [Read More]

Mount NFS, SMB shares and local volumes in Linux | Cheat Sheet
This a quick guide on how to mount different type of volumes or shares in Linux. We go through the most common scenarios: local volumes, NFS and SMB shares. For each we discuss the manual way to mount them, also ... [Read More]

Kibibytes, Mebibites, Gibibites!
Have you ever bought a brand new SSD with 256GB on it's label, then when connecting it to a computer the storage space of only 240GB was showing? Were you taught in school that a 'kilobyte' is actually 1024 bytes, ... [Read More]

FREE SSTP VPN server on Linux with SoftEther
Always Hot Café needs a fast and cheap way to set up a VPN solution for it's workers. They don't want to invest in expensive hardware, or software. Also, the employees have Windows laptops and they want to use the ... [Read More]

Specifying granular UNIX file permissions using SETFACL
UNIX type systems use the octal file permission model, that is limited in terms of setting access permissions for specific users and groups. By default there are only three attributes to be set on files and directories: for the owner, ... [Read More]

Join RHEL or CentOS 8 to an Active Directory Domain using SSSD
The task for today is to join a Microsoft Active Directory domain with our CentOS box. We use the sssd package to accomplish this, first we start with a basic CentOS installation, we go through the initial setup, then the ... [Read More]

How to Setup HTTPS on a CentOS 8 Server
Our goal is to make our website protected, configuring the HTTPS service on it to ensure encrypted traffic between the client and our server. We utilize Let’s Encrypt’s certbot, that will create and automatically renew the publicly signed SSL certificates ... [Read More]

How to Set Up Multiple Apache Virtual Hosts on CentOS 8
So what are Virtual Hosts and what are they for? John has a web server, connected to the internet with a single IP address. He has a website, called which is pointing to this web server. He ... [Read More]

How to build a basic webserver on CentOS with Apache, MySQL and PHP
Before You Begin Our job is really easy this time as we already have the process of installing Apache, MySQL and PHP on Debian based machines, as it is really similar to the process on RHEL based boxes. For the ... [Read More]

SSH login with certificates – NO password needed !!!
You might have been wondering: do I really need to type in my long password every time I SSH into a remote server, possibly making a typo and starting the password all over again without seeing any feedback on the ... [Read More]

How to Deploy automatically renewing SSL certificates on Ubuntu and Debian
To see how to deploy a WordPress site from scratch please check out this previous article where we went through the process step by step. In this article we set up automatic HTTPS, that means all the HTTP requests are ... [Read More]

Install WordPress on Ubuntu Linux – Step by Step
In this tutorial we will deploy a WordPress site for We assume that a web server is already ready for us. If you don’t have one you can check the installation process for Debian (like Ubuntu) and RHEL (CentOS) ... [Read More]

How to Build an Apache Webserver on Debian, Ubuntu Linux
Before You Begin A minimal installation of Debian or Ubuntu linux is the starting point, with network connectivity. L.A.M.P is an acronym, stands for the building elements of a fully working website:
- Linux is probably the most stable and ... [Read More]

One Interface, multiple VLAN IPs on Linux
To make use of a trunk interface connected to our linux box with a single interface we can configure subinterfaces accessing specific VLAN segments, here we will use Debian and RHEL, assigning two subinterfaces, to each, on will use DHCP ... [Read More]

Expanding an LVM volume with a new disk
Time to time we can face the problem that our storage is running out of space on our Linux box. Now what options do we have? We can attach a new storage to the system and mount it in the ... [Read More]

CentOS 8 Install in Text Mode
Text Mode Many times it is preferable to run the CentOS linux installer in text mode, avoiding the GUI. For instance when using an older machine with less resources or when deploying a VM when console access might be limited, ... [Read More]