
Exercise: Set up 10 new VLANs on the pfSense LAN interface
Today's task is to set up ten new VLANs on a virtual pfSense router with separate, routable subnets. DHCP should service each subnets and both virtual achines and physical nodes should be able to use them. Let's see how to ... [Read More]

Packet Capture on Windows Without WireShark – NO INSTALLATION REQUIRED!
Two native ways of capturing network traffic on Windows servers and clients. Works on Windows 7, 8, 10 and Windows Server 2012R2, 2016, 2019, etc ... [Read More]

Load Balancer for Exchange 2019, 2016 and 2013 with HAProxy | FREE
This article guides you through the steps of setting up a proper load balancer for Exchange 2019, 2016 or 2013 client connections on a pfSense firewall, using HAProxy ... [Read More]

How to deal with super long SPF records
The SPF record a domain owns can have the maximum length of 255 characters. A longer record - or even nearly that long - is not advisable as recipient servers have a more difficult job to process all elements, especially ... [Read More]

Windows 2019 SSTP Server with only ONE NIC – Quick Guide
In this short guide we deploy a Windows-based SSTP server for clients. For details about the protocol and the way to deploy a linux-based implementation of the server that has auto-renewing SSL certificates, visit my guide HERE. Our test VM ... [Read More]

FREE SSTP VPN server on Linux with SoftEther
Always Hot Café needs a fast and cheap way to set up a VPN solution for it's workers. They don't want to invest in expensive hardware, or software. Also, the employees have Windows laptops and they want to use the ... [Read More]

Forward whole trunk ports to VMs in Proxmox
In certain scenarios we might need to forward a full VLAN trunk to a VM. In this article we go through a process of virtualizing a switch in ProxMox to achieve this easily. Before You Begin We assume the trunk ... [Read More]

They use as a LAN subnet !!!
I’ve come across a company this week, while sorting the SSL certificate on their RRAS server I noticed that all of their nodes had IP addresses assigned in their network. When I asked them about why they were using ... [Read More]

pfSense on the Stick
Recently I came across a situation where a small office needed a direct IPSec tunnel between two offices temporarily, but they only had a router from their ISP which was not configurable, or at least not by them and they ... [Read More]