During onboarding or offboarding Office365 migration batches are created with collections of users to first sync the given users' mailboxes to or from the cloud, and keep it synced until they are completed.
When whole batches are completed, all mailboxes in that batch are dealt with, but in certain cases we's like individual mailboxes to finish the migration process, while leaving the rest intact.
Let's say we created a migration batch called "B1" to onboard 200 users. When syncing is finished we can decide if we complete the whole batch, or finish only selected mailboxes individually.
1. Complete the whole batch
Use the following command or use the simply WebUI:
PS C:\> "B1" | Complete-MigrationBatch -Confirm:$false
2. Finish individual mailboxes
Alternatively, we only want to finish a single mailbox, let's say Alice's mailbox. To do that we issue the following commands:
PS C:\> Get-MoveRequest "Alice@alwayshotcafe.com" | Set-MoveRequest -SuspendWhenReadyToComplete:$false PS C:\> Get-MoveRequest "Alice@alwayshotcafe.com" | Resume-MoveRequest
3. Finish all pending MoveRequests
Or if we want to finish all those accounts that have finished syncing and ready to be migrated, we can use the following:
PS C:\> Get-MoveRequest | ? status -like "Synced" | Set-MoveRequest -SuspendWhenReadyToComplete:$false PS C:\> Get-MoveRequest | ? status -like "Synced" | Resume-MoveRequest